Let’s Hire! Yalla!

Contact us!


95% success rate for the candidates we recruited

How sure are we of our method?
We will replace – free of cost – any employee who resigns or is terminated during the first year of employment.

95% success rate in predicting suitability
90% of our candidates stay on the job for over two years
60% of our candidates move up to senior-level positions  

Our Services

We use our innovative technology for the segmentation of a diverse pool of candidates, which enables us to make the best matches within very short timeframes.
Our main goal is to provide specialist personal services tailored to your company’s needs.
We will stand ready to assist with any questions or concerns you may have, and will do our utmost to provide you with the most comprehensive solution to your recruitment needs.

Recruitment stages

  • 1.

    Writing effective job postings to reach target candidates and carefully screening applicants’ resumes.

  • 2.

    Holding telephone interviews and conducting, if needed, online testing and online video interviews.

  • 3.

    Drafting reports about each candidate, including an analysis of their profile and a prediction of their success’ potential.

  • 1. Posting jobs ads and reaching target audiences

  • 2. Narrowing down and candidates to find the best fits

  • 3. Conducting tailored personality and proficiency tests

  • 4. Holding personal interviews and producing reports

‘We contacted SHR after a disappointing experience with another placement agency. We were discouraged and not very optimistic, but we were wrong.
SHR made us feel at home with the tailored and personal service they provided, and the results were even better than we had anticipated.
All the employees we recruited have become valued members of our company and there’s no doubt we’ll continue to work with SHR in the future’.


Call us: We can help!

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation.